Product Description
Rose quartz carries vibrations that attract love. One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love – love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love.
Rose Quartz for unconditional love. By healing your heart and helping you to practice forgiveness, understanding, and compassion, Rose Quartz helps you to love unconditionally. It removes blockages in the heart caused by pain so you can return to a state of love. With this unconditionally loving aura, you become more attractive to others. Think of Rose Quartz as a love magnet that draws new love into your life.
The Love Generator brings whatever type of you love you need into your life. Made with Rose Quartz, this Generator helps you infuse love into existing relationships, attract new relationships, and send a little more love to yourself. Keep the Love Generator if you need more love in your life. This generator reminds you to give and receive love in new and existing relationships, including the one you have with yourself.
Rose Quartz energy generator is a perfect addition to any home, office or place of business it will bring good energy, love, and transformation to any tense energy at the location. They are good to keep in places where you notice people have constant disagreements. Perfect for homes that are constantly dealing with relationship problems.
Do you feel like there is bad energy surrounding you? Are you constantly feeling sick or drained? There might be bad energy around you that is eating away at your life source one breath at a time. Energy crystals are amazing tools for sucking bad energy away from you and ensuring that your surroundings are clear of bad energy and are left with more room for good energy. Activating the crystals can be challenging for people who don’t know their power. Let me help you by activating your crystal for you and ensuring that it protects you and clears your energy properly. All I need is a detailed description of the problems you are facing. You can purchase a generator from me and I will fully program, activate and prepare it to protect you from all evil energies. My process takes 3-7 days during which I will connect myself to your energy by meditating on the information you will provide for me and program your crystal to help you with your issue. Crystal programming requires me to spend days programming it, using both the sun and my own energies as well as archangels to create a protective force. I will then ship the generator to you to be kept in your home or business for protection. Please be very specific with what you want your crystal to be programmed for, if you want luck with money, stress, love or protection. I normally ship your order within 7-10 days of ordering depending on what the requirement is some situations will require me to program longer then others.
Feel free to contact me with any questions prior to making your purchase.
Kelanne. –
Lamar. –
Ndeye. –
Ratna. –
Kou. –
Kutlwano. –
onur. –
Ruth. –
onur. –
onur. –
Mona. –
Gisset. –
Juliana. –
MC. –
SK. –
Juliana. –
Kiraa. –
Keziam. –